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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Lucasfilm · Directed by Jar Jar Abrams · 2019

(This review was typed in December 2019)


Yesterday I saw Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the "Skywalker Saga".


I'm sad to say I didn't really like it. I thought the storyline was unnecessarily complicated and rushed. It was messy. The characters' motivations weren't always clear. The humor mostly fell flat for me (although C-3PO got some good lines). There was some decent action and visuals. I feel like JJ Abrams (the director and writer) is good with spectacle, but needs more work in the storytelling department. Rise of Skywalker was probably one of my least favorite movies in the series, alongside Attack of the Clones, Last Jedi, and Solo. I'm not sure yet where it ranks among those. Hopefully you enjoy it more than I did.


But I am happy to say that I'm loving The Mandalorian. So far all 7 episodes have been absolutely fantastic, and I'm on the edge of my seat for next week's finale episode (although I'm going to be sad when it's over). The Mandalorian is a must-watch for Star Wars fans, and probably my favorite Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back. I highly recommend it. "This is the way!"

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